#138 & 139
Type: Rock/Water
Fossil name: Helix fossil
Omanyte and its evolution Omastar are based off an ammonite. Omastar's dex entry also describes it as having traits of extinct radiodont.

#140 & 141
Type: Rock/Water
Fossil name: Dome fossil
These guys are based on trilobites, an ancient relative of the extant horseshoe crab. Kabutops specifically may also be based off of a the extinct sea scorpion.

Type: Rock/Flying
Fossil name: Old amber
Aerodactyl is seemingly based off pterosaurs, but its tail and horns are more dragon-like than any real extinct animal.

#345 & 346
Type: Rock/Grass
Fossil name: Root fossil
Lileep and Cradily are based off crinoids, or sea lillies. While there are still living crinoids today, many of the invertebrates have gone extinct. Cradily also resembles the ghostfish, a surviving invertebrate that attachs itself to the sea floor.

#347 & 348
Type: Rock/Bug
Fossil name: Claw fossil
Despite being labeled the "old shrimp" pokemon, Anorith and its evolution are more definitively based off the previously mentioned sea scorpion. They also share some characteristics with brine shrimp, and Armaldo resembles both a dinosaur and a kaiju.

#408 & 409
Type: Rock
Fossil name: Skull fossil
This one is simple, as both of these guys are based on the pachycephalosaurus. Easy enough!

#410 & 411
Type: Rock/Steel
Fossil name: Shield fossil
Unlike their counterparts, the exact species these fellas are based on is a little harder to parse, but they are definitely based on ceratopian dinosaurs. They are potentially inspired by protoceratops and chasmosaurus respectively.

#564 & 565
Type: Water/Rock
Fossil name: Cover fossil
Tirtouga is based off the protostega while Carracosta is based on archelon. These are the largest extinct sea turtle species from the Late Cretaceous period.

#566 & 567
Type: Rock/Flying
Fossil name: Plume fossil
This one is also pretty easy. Both of them are based off archaeopteryx, a primitive bird-like dinosaur.

#696 & 697
Type: Rock/Dragon
Fossil name: Jaw fossil
Yet another easy one. Obviously, these guys are based off of the tyrannosaurus-rex. They also share traits with the cryolophosaurus and gorgosaurus.

#698 & 699
Type: Rock/Ice
Fossil name: Sail fossil
These majestic pokemon are based on amargasaurus, a type of sauropod. This specific dinosaur was chosen to differ it from other sauropod-like pokemon.

Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, and Arctovish
#880, 881, 882, & 883
Type(s): Electric/Dragon, Electric/Ice, Water/Dragon, Water/Ice
Fossil name(s): Bird Fossil, Fish Fossil, Drake Fossil, Dino Fossil
This group of depressing little buddies are different from all the other fossils, as they're based off the practice of creating chimera mistakes/hoaxes. Seemingly, they're individually based on raptors, stegosaurus, an unspecified extinct marine reptile, and the dunkleosteus.
Thanks to Bulbapedia for being a big source of information here! I thought a short, straight-to-the-point list of every fossil pokemon would be a nice little resouce. Hope you enjoyed!
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