About Me
Pokemon Shrine
Gallery and Shop
Interest Archive


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Howdy! Like I said before, my name is Jack, and this is my website! I got into coding a couple years ago now, and I love fooling around in HTML. I knew a tiny bit about coding through tumblr and deviantart, but this is my first big coding endeavor. The source code is a bit messy, but of course if you're curious about anything feel free to dig around in there.

I'm an artist with 10+ years experience in both digital and traditional artwork, as well as a little bit of ceramics, DIY patches/pins/jackets, and sculpture. I love telling stories with my art, which is why I'm also a writer. I've been working on my collaborative story Forget-Me-Not County since 2016. You can check out my art in the "Gallery and Shop" part of the directory, and my projects in the "Projects/Writing" section.

Obviously I love pokemon as evidenced by the Pokemon Shrine also available in the directory to the left of the screen, but I also really enjoy horror, dragons, mythology, Petscop, and Marble Hornets. You can check out more of my interests in my "Interest Archive".

I have one pet: My cat, Tiger Cat. I had a dog for many years, but unfortunately he passed away in April 2024. I'm bad at keeping virtual pets, but you can check out my dragcave dragons here.

While I'm under no obligation to explain my identity, I'll do it because I like talking about personal labels with people. Note that these are what these labels mean to ME, and having labels isn't important, I just like having words I can use to describe my experience. Here are some things I ID as: Soft-butch, a fagdyke, a leatherdyke (a dyke with a leather fetish), lesbian, t4t, transgender, nonbinary, genderfuck, genderfluid, polyamorous, neuroqueer, posic (perception of object sentience, individuality, and consciousness), and objectum (attraction to inanimate objects). I use any pronouns with a preference for zhe/hir and wy/wyv.

Spiritually I am a pagan occultist, and politically I believe in anarcho-autonomism (though I'm interested in leftist theory in general.) I also like to call myself dragonkin and a wolf-dog therian, though this is less spiritual and more autistic. I'm disabled, though it could come off as invisible to someone at a first glace.

I know having so many microlabels and being multi-labeled in general will piss some people off, but I'm at the point where I don't really care. I made this website as a way for me to express myself unapologetically, so I'm going to do that and try not to care what people think.